上海观象建筑装饰设计有限公司是专业从事商业空间及精装空间设计的设计公司,设计团队由来自国内不同甲级设计机构、经验丰富的国内外优秀设计师组成。是一家具有最新设计理念和设计水准的设计公司。 在组织项目设计的团队上,由具备大型项目经验的国内及国外资深设计师担任项目管理,并结合各专业精英人士。观象在注重设计风格的同时,更倾向于结合项目实际情况、业主切实所需,做到最先进、最优质的设计。不仅为客户提供建筑规划与设计服务,更重要的是与客户一起完善项目发展的策略与运作,为客户展现未来并尽力协助实现这个梦想。通过结合中国和国外的管理模式,赢取了最大化理解项目需求和最先进的设计理念、技术创新信息。 公司成立至今与客户一直保持着良好的合作关系,合作的主要客户有:上海新世界集团,盈石、红星美凯龙、绿地商业、万达集团、上海地产及中华企业及其控股的上海古北集团、上海房地产经营集团、上海实业、等众多家国内外知名企业。
Admiring the historic Chinese architectural treasures, combining traditional and modern artisan art, View Building Design Studio was established by a group of talented architectural design fanatics with international background. We specialized in multicultural architectural designed and timely delivery in a sustainable manner. We create high-performance architectural and interior design solutions that not only wow and withstand, but also enrich people's lives and serve the greater interests for our clients. Our clients' business success is the fundamental drive of View Building Design Studio. We committed to become a loyal business partner of clients and deeply believed the honest relationship can laid and increased the long-term development and interests of both parties. Till today, many of our clients have enjoy the cooperation with us, such as INSITE, China Red Star, Greendland Group, DAHUA Group, Shanghai Land Group, China Enterprise Company Limited, Shanghai Gubei Group, Shanghai Real Estate (Group) Co., Ltd. And Shanghai Industrial Co., Ltd.